• +88-017-66-133-255
  • info@saarchrf.org
  • H #61, R #8, Block-F, Banani, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Welcome to SAARC Human Rights Foundation

SAARC Human Rights Foundation is South Asia’s largest voluntary, non-political, non-profitable organization dedicated to the development and preservation of human rights.

It also works for the people who are deprived of the rights of society. Based on the United Nations Human Rights Charter (Bill of Rights) SAARC Human Rights Foundation is approved by the Governments of Bangladesh, India & Nepal. And is recognized & registered by the National Human Rights Commission of India, the National Commission for Women-India, the National Vigilance Commission of India, and the Election Commission of Bangladesh.


Based on United Nations Human Rights Charter (Bill of Rights) SAARC Human Rights Foundation works for the people who are deprived of the rights of society.


We fight for human rights using various movements like Seminars on various issues, Aid Programs, Petition Signing, Human Chain Movement etc.


We keep watch on the rights of people around the world and publishes reports based on our research.


We propel key human rights concerns and stories of individuals at risk into the glare of the international and national media.


We combine high-level legislative work, media outreach and grassroots mobilization to shape and promote legislation and policies to advance human rights.

We are proud of OUR WORK

We work on Human Rights, Child Rights and Child Labor, Elderly People’s Rights, Climate Change, Economic, Social, Cultural, Civil and Political Rights.

We would love to hear from you.